Hi Bobs Family!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you´re doing good, because today has being absolutely great for me. Today, I´m bringing another post, as it is holiday time and I have a lot of time to enjoy. Let´s get into this post about Myths VS Facts that will make you realise how ridiculous you have being while you believe(d) in these myths. 

Let´s start!!

Myth: Napoleon was short!!

Fact: He actually had a slightly above average height for a Frenchmen of the time. He was normal, a normal weight, probably, and the Spanish and English called him small because, maybe he wasn´t fat and as tall as the others. 

Myth: Left and Right Brain

Fact: There´s no solid division between the talents of the two "hemispheres". Both parts can learn skills from each other. 

Myth: Great Wall Of China 

Fact: Is not visible from space. No single human structure is visible from orbit, but you can see cities at night.

Myth: Einstein failed Maths.

Fact: No. He only failed an entrance exam for school but was still really good in Maths.

Myth: We only have 5 sense: touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing. 

Fact: We have more than 5 senses. We have about 21 including, the sense of time, because, we can count and measure time, balance, pain and temperature. 

Myth: Alcohol kills brain cells 

Fact: Even in heavy users, also known as alcoholics, brain cells aren´t killed, they´re simply damaged. 

That explains why when someone is drunk, they can´t say anything straight!!

Myth: Missing-person report 

Fact: You don´t have to wait 24 hours to report a missing person. If you are genuinely concerned and worried, call straight away.

Myth: Sleep-walkers

Jokes beside, but I think I teleport myself. One night, I swear, I went to sleep in my bed, and I felt asleep in my bed. When I woke up, I was in the sofa, that was in the floor below!! I was a bit like "why the hell am I here?"

Fact: They´re are more likely to hurt themselves, than hurting anyone else around. 

Myth: 7 Years to digest gum

Fact: Our stomach is powerful and acidic enough to digest gum. Otherwise, our stomach would be committing suicide straight after we swallow the gum. #GOODBYE

Myth: Bulls hate red

Fact: No. Bulls don´t hate red, they´re in fact, color-mind . They simply take the motions of the bullfighter´s cloth as a threat.

So that´s it from me today, guys!! I hope you have enjoyed reading my post, because during the rest of the holiday, I will probably post quite a lot of times, so, don´t get suspicious if I don´t update the blog as frequent when college starts. 

I have so much ideas in my head, to share with you!! Thank you so much for you amazing support, you guys are awesome!

Remember, treat people with kindness

And I will see you next time,

Queen Bobs!


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