Hey guys!!
Welcome to the first post. This time, I will be talking about the Ouija Board and the rules and risks that you have to be aware in case you want to play it. For who doesn´t know what a Ouija Board is, a Ouija Board is a Board that can allow you to communicate with spirits, which can be dangerous depending on the identity you are contacting with.
Is both impossible and possible to know if the spirit is evil or not. But today, I will tell what you should do when "playing" with this board. I have never played with it but, I´m really interested to know what is the feeling of the experience that is contacting with unknown spirits. So, let´s get into the rules and the risks you could be involved in.
The first rule is, you should and must never play alone. Play with at least one more person to avoid the high vulnerability that you have if you play alone. When you do play alone, you are more open and receptive to anything evil and demonic to harm or possess you in any way.
The next rule is you should never play when you are ill or weak-minded. So if you have the flu or a cold, is a big no-no! If you are extremely depressed or if you just don´t have a strong mind in that point. This can cause you to be more vunerable to spirits and evil identities, as your own energy is low and can be easy for you to be possessed by anything demonic or malicious as you´re weaker.
Although, you know/see sometimes youtubers and other people doing this, it is very dangerous and extremely disrespectful towards spirits: NEVER, EVER play with the Ouija Board in the cemitery. For more stupid and unbelievable this sounds, many people have done this and up until today, they´re still traumatized with the experience. Is a dangerous thing to do as it is the quickest way to attract anything evil and it could actually traumatize you for the rest of your life! A proof of this in person is the youtuber, Lance Stewart, who went with his girlfriend and I think one friend of his to play with the Ouija Board outside of the cemetery, and until today, he has very strange and weird situations in his life. So...DON´T DO IT KIDS!
A way of knowing that your Ouija Board session is going wrong, is when the planchette - this piece right here
starts to go around the board in shapes of the number 8. That is a big thing you should avoid and if it happens, it means you have contacted a malicious spirit. It also happens if the piece falls off the board or flies across the room. This means that, the identity inside the board is trying (or already has) being freed from the board into your own space and house.
The other rule is that, you should never provoke a spirit. E.g: show us you are here... - nothing happens - touch me or prove us you are here. Things like this is a big no-no as you are provoking something you don´t know its capacity of harming or haunting you. So, please, please, please, avoid as much as you can doing this, it is a massive risk you´re taking.
The last rule is, very important. You need to ALWAYS close the board and say goodbye. If you don´t say goodbye properly, the identity you have just contacted, can - and must likely will - feel free to go and haunt you in your own space, in your own home. Please follow the rules if you want to play the game properly without any consequences.
I hope you guys have enjoyed knowing more about the rules of the Ouija Board you should NEVER, EVER BREAK! Personally, I don´t advise you to play with it, but if you want to, go ahead and do but be aware of the rules, otherwise, you can be affected for your entire life by the horrible experience you had.
Thank you all for reading the post and I will see you next time
Lya :)
Other blog: https://porfalarn.blogspot.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/constancaborbinha/?hl=pt
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