Hey guys!! 

It´s Constança right here and welcome back!!! 

So, I was looking out for some ideas for a new post, and, I decided to talk about something that with time, will become familiar to me as I´m just about to start college and I will need to either take the bus or the train, or sometimes, both. Before I start, I just want to say a big sorry for my absence, but, I just started college and somethings have being happening lately, making me more focus on them rather than being focus on the blog. 

But let´s get into today´s post!

I have to be fully honest. Going on public transports is slightly hard sometimes and a bit disturbing from what you see and where you go. When I´m in the bus, or on the train, I enjoy going in my own place, without being annoyed and disrupted by anyone else. Personally, I like to either be listening to music or be reading or be doing both things, not be observing and hearing stuff like what I´m about to mention.

Let´s begin!!

So, the first thing that I hate about buses is really, making the signal to the driver that you want to take that bus. Is just, absolutely embarrassing and whoever is driving other cars or walking pass you when you do that, they just look at you like: 

"what the heck is going on?"

Not even to mention the fact that the other drivers must think you want a hitch-hiking from them. 

You don´t.

The next thing is trying to walk around to find a seat or somewhere comfortable in the bus, which doesn´t  bother other people, which is a very, very difficult task. My trick for that is, just being the first one to go in and make a mini run to either upstairs in the bus, or, in the first "floor" of the bus. 

It is extremely annoying, specially because I feel like I´m going to fall or either run or fall into someone, which would be very, but very embarrassing and who knows, maybe writing a post about it....😄

The other thing is running to catch the bus and that happened to me a couple days ago. I literally had to run to get it because, I just off the first bus, and for me to get the second one. As I´m about to reach the bus stop, I just see the bus coming, and thanks God, there was a boy who was "calling" the bus and the bus stopped. God bless you. 

Now, let´s get into the old ladies, specially them. 

I perfectly remember that I was seating in from of the bus, upstairs and over my music (which by the way, was not in low volume) I could hear a group of female voices having the time of their lives. As I look over my shoulder, I just see a group of ladies, who sounded like there we 18, who had the aspect of being around 60-70. 

I want to be like that when I get to that age avec mes amis. Or whoever I will consider a friend at that time.

Another thing is watching and appreciating the diversity of people that whoever is up there decided to show to us. It turns the bus or train into a stage. 

You see teenagers who look like they haven´t bought a new pair of jeans since they turned 12. I mean the children in China who produced those jeans, had to make holes in brand new clothes, while, themselves, had holes in their own clothes! 

You see girls who have their necks white and their faces either orange or yellow. I have seen both, so, the thing I can conclude from it is that you should check if the foundation matches your skin tone. JUST SAYING!

I would admit that I have found quite interesting the amount and variety of people who I find in the bus or train. 

I think is important to stick in mind that we all think in different ways and the way that I think, is definitely different to the rest of at least 75% of the world´s population!!

And that is it from me today. Again, I will bring more exciting and better content I have so many ideas inside this head the only thing I would need would be time and opportunity, but, I don´t promise anything, I will make my possible and impossible to upload the blog for you all. 

I hope you enjoyed this post, if you guys did, please check out my other posts and it will not let you down ;) 

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Remember Bobs Family, Treat People With Kindness, 

And I will see you next time!!!


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