Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog!!

Today I´m bringing you guys a story time about an uncomfortable and rude situation that happened to me while volunteering. But, before I get started, I would like to let you guys know about two things: the first one is, I´m sincerely sorry for being absent lately and I´m writing up this post on Sunday because, tomorrow and Tuesday, I will be very busy with some things and if you guys would like to know, just follow me in my social media, so you can see what I´m up to. The second thing is, that, I girl that I know since a long time ago, has released a cover! Her name is Rafaela, she´s from Portugal is well and she has being singing for the longest time. She has a beautiful voice and that´s why, I would like to share this amazing cover with you guys. I will be leaving the link down below!!

Let´s get into the post!

For those who don´t know, in England, there´s a lot, a hell lot of charity shops. And, what are charity shops? Charity shops are basically shops that gain funds for a cause (whether is for cancer research, a hospice or for dogs for blind people or for those who have difficulties), in my case, I volunteer for a Saint Francis Hospice Charity Shop since 2016, and it has being amazing - that could remain for another story time if you guys want to. 

I met absolutely awesome people, I got told a lot of different stories throughout these nearly two years. For those who work or volunteer for the public, and is most people, we all have to put up with a lot of sh*t from the customers - sorry kids! 

If you work with customers every working day, mainly in a shop, you know that there can be very fussy and complicated customers around, we need to have a lot of patience with everyone but sometimes, there are exceptions and not always the customers are right. 

And this story is kind of one of those. 

Before I get into more deeply into this story time, I´m going to be clear in something. Nothing that I say in relation to the description of this lady is nothing but the truth and only the truth. 

So let´s talk about this lady. I´m not going to say her name, because I know her name, but this lady already had a history and record in the shop previously, and not for the best reasons. Unfortunately, for an unknown reason by me, she is in a wheelchair, and she either only has an arm or has one arm and part of the other. I don´t know if she comes to the shop in any other days but, she always comes on Saturday while I´m doing my shift, from 9AM to 1PM. She either comes early when we open the shop, or a bit later, but still during my shift. She is known in the shop, by the volunteers as being rude and those who serve at the till, including myself, refuse to serve her. I don´t know what I did to her, but, I always got that vibe and feeling that she didn´t like me, and until date, I still don´t know why. Believe me guys, I serve every customer in the same way and for me to do this, is because I really had enough of it. 

In a gorgeous day - feel the irony - I got to volunteering, and, as usual, I was asked my by boss, to go to the till and take controle of things at the front, while she was at the back, taking care of some things. And then she came in! I stood in the doorway between the sorting room and the shop-floor, from where I could roughly see if there was any customers at the counter or if anyone was stealing. Until she called me and said that she needed my help. I wasn´t going to deny my help to her and neither call another volunteer to serve her. So I said, sure. 

I helped her with the clock that she wanted and I went over the till for her to pay for it. Keep in mind her physical conditions. I do everything that I need to do and then, I need to get her money out. In these situations, we - the volunteers or workers - have to go to the customers and take their pursers or wallets out and take their money out and put the change and receipt in there and I think you get what I mean.

While I´m packing her stuff and putting it behind her back in a bag, I notice that she is not the happiest person and I have to admite that she never was. She was always moody, so I just ignored it and went ahead to actually take her money out. While I´m searching for it, I can hear her moaning and I see she is getting annoyed (like always) and I ask her what money to take out because, the money is not mine!

After taking the money and going to the till, I hear her speaking in a low voice to the side, something along the lines of: "I don´t even know why I asked". 

This was the drop, I simply kept my posture, like I didn´t hear it, and I carried on with my things, putting her purse in her bag, and I wait for her to leave the shop, holding myself together so bad, and after that, I just run to the sorting room, which luckily was empty and started crying. I mean, who wouldn´t? I´m there doing my duty to help her taking her stuff and paying for it and this is what I get back?

I can´t understand, and hopefully I never will, what it feels like to be stopped by a chair and still be full of life. I have being put the idea into my head and it might be possible that she only does not like me because of my accent, I can´t help it, I´m sorry.

Anyways guys, I just wanted to come here and tell you this story. I hope you enjoyed, don´t forget to see Rafaela´s cover video, again, I will leave the link down below.

Remember, treat people with kindness!

See you next time,


➤Rafaela´s Video:

➤Where to find me:


Snapchat: constançaborbinha


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