My blog is going to be deleted
Hello everyone!
My name is Constança and welcome back to my blog. Today I´m here to be talking to you guys about a serious subject. This is extremely serious, no jokes!
If you guys are unaware, in 12th September this year, the EU approved the Article 13. Which up to recently we have been not aware of. But what is article 13?
Article 13 is a law that will affect everyone! Creators, users and platforms. This basically means that, unless you are in anywhere else in the world other than Europe, you are able to produce content and to watch videos on youtube, read blogs from blogger or other platforms and use Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and Whatsapp. Those in the EU? No, they will not be allowed to do this because the social medias are blocked and brings all of us to that question:
"what do we do now ?"
I don't know! I live to write and to take photographs. How am I meant to share the existence of this if it is going to must likely be blocked?
Google itself admitted that it will not be able to support the costs to have a particular Google platform just for Europe leaving Europe in shit, literally. The social media (blogger) is going to be must certainly blocked or completely shut down for Europe leaving you, my readers, without the content that I create and me without creating it.
This article came along for the fact that many videos on youtube and other social media were being either taken down or the creator of that video would have all the money taken away for the simple fact that it inserted something with copyright on the video. Now, that is absolutely fine and fare but banning internet from the whole of Europe for copyright reasons?
I think there is something they are not telling us.
Obviously tradicional forms of communication (newspapers, news channels and news websites) and music companies (such as Sony and Universal) are going to be winning with this because nowadays everyone shares everything online, news, music video clips and even music that is not produced in a Sony or Universal studio. I´m totally screwed not say something more deep. I want to work with media, I want to work towards media and I guess I have to go to the other side of the world to do that.
I will not be able to communicate with people like friends and family who are in Portugal and I can only talk to them through Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram or Skype. Now, ask yourselves something:
How is our generation going to communicate from now on?
All of those who are reading this, ask that to yourselves! There is not an easy conclusion or solution to this problem!
Personally, I won´t be able to see my nan online everyday (or nearly everyday), like me and my parents and my brother usually do. What kind of effect will that have?
And just a little side note, one of the people who voted in the EU, Axel Voss in the purple tie, voted yes for the Article 13 to go forward and he admitted to NOT KNOWING what the effects and impacts it will be having on the internet. What does this actually mean? That we have people representing all of us in the EU who have not idea of what they are doing and of what the world has become. He´s 55 years old, but he probably behaves like someone who has a mindset based on the last century.
Spread this as much as you guys can because is not only me who will not create posts and content for you all but also you guys will not be able to read anything because the platform will possibly be shut down because it belongs to Google. This will be happening in January guys in less more than a month time and we are very short of time when it comes to this. Our reality can become much different.
I love you all and it was for that reason that I decided to give you guys more opening on this subject. It can well affect me as it can affect all of you.
Please dive more into this concept as it might not be as far as we may think. It can be pretty close to a present reality.
Youtube video: Article 13 - Burning Reasons
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