My blog is going to be deleted
Hello everyone! My name is Constança and welcome back to my blog. Today I´m here to be talking to you guys about a serious subject. This is extremely serious, no jokes! If you guys are unaware, in 12th September this year, the EU approved the Article 13. Which up to recently we have been not aware of. But what is article 13? Article 13 is a law that will affect everyone! Creators, users and platforms. This basically means that, unless you are in anywhere else in the world other than Europe, you are able to produce content and to watch videos on youtube, read blogs from blogger or other platforms and use Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and Whatsapp. Those in the EU? No, they will not be allowed to do this because the social medias are blocked and brings all of us to that question: "what do we do now ?" I don't know! I live to write and to take photographs. How am I meant to share the existence of this if it is going to must likely be blocked? Google i...